Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 9

Picture discussion 9
This picture depicts a scene of an experiment in a lab. Adults can be seen carefully doing the experiment. Even though they are cautious, the smiles on their faces indicate that they are enjoying the process. I think it is good to be responsible and yet positive at the same time. They are wearing white cloaks and gloves which are probably for hygiene purposes. That is also a good practice as it can help them keep away from germs that may be harmful. The people in the lab seem to be distributed into small groups. It is also good to break into small groups so more people get to do the activities hands-on.

Conv 9
1.My favourite subjects are those that do not require me to memorise but to think rationally. After graduation, I would like to study human psychology as I am very interested in how different people think and I believe that what people do can be predicted. I think that everyone should have a target in life and follow it, whether that target leads to university or not.
2.Science is an important subject as it lets us learn about things that we would not know at all if we had not learn. Learning about science can also help us be more wary about our surroundings and to make better decisions when faced with problems. I would show videos to children to help them gain interest and use pictures and cartoons. I think that is not true, however most scientists appear to be guys. I think guys are simply more interested in things that are close to fantasy.

Day 7

Picture Discussion 7
1. This picture depicts a scene of a mass cleaning of a hawker centre. In the picture, many people are using water hoses to wash the tables, chairs and floors of the hawker centre while some people are watching them do it. I think this is a very good habit as regularly washing hawker centres can provide a good eating environment for the public. As most of the people doing the washing are wearing home clothes, I believe this is a voluntary activity and most of the people doing it are normal citizens. I think it is a good behaviour to contribute to your community like this and I believe the people watching them should start to contribute too and help in the washing. That way, everybody would have to do less work.
Conv 7
1.I live in a five-room flat in Pasir Ris. Even though it is not very big, it is spacious enough for a family of four to live in and the environment is good too as my houes is not very near the main road. This helps in our sleeping every night as it is not noisy. I think I am not a very tidy or organised person. Usually I just leave things at the place I last used them and tend to forget where I put things. I keep my house clean by vaccuuming the house and mopping it when I have free time.
2.I think hygience is very important for health. Living in an unhygienic place and breathing in air that is not clean may damage your organs. Keeping good hygiene is troublesome, hence many people refuse to do it and find it difficult to constantly keep things clean. Being too hygienic can cause a person to be paranoid and it can also let a person judge others who are not hygienic. Also, being too hygienic may cause other people to stay away from you, afraid that you might have mental problems.

Day 5

Picture discussion 5
This picture depicts a scene of an experiment in class. In this picture, a few students, under guidance by a teacher, is conducting a math experiment and taking down things which I assume is the results they collected. They seem to be very focused on the experiment which is a good thing as they can get better results. The teacher seems to be enjoying helping them which is another good thing as dedicated teachers can produce better students. The curtain behind them is closed, possibly on purpose to avoid sunlight disturbing the experiment. The experiment seems to be going successfully.
Conv 5
1.I enjoy Elective History. It interesting to learn about things that happened in the past and how people of the present look at them. History is also a good way to help you make your decisions on what to do now as past mistakes can be used as lessons. I don't like working with my hands as I am very lazy and working with hands usually leads to imperfection in results. However, I believe doing things helps us learn more, whether the information are accurate or not. Experience is always better for students.
2.I believe some subjects are more useful in the future than the others but nothing can be said for certain. If I were to redesign my school timetable, I would put in more useful subjects like english and put in less subjects which there is a bigger chance you wont use like geography. However that would be unfair to people who are interested in the subjects that are not as important based on the average. So I would probably just let the timetable be as balanced as possible. I think school prepares me for half of my life, and the things I do prepare for the other half. School can give you a general and average opinion of what you will face in the future but what you do to welcome the future is entirely up to you.

Day 3

Picture discussion 3
This picture depicts a scene of a day in the beach. In the picture, a group of children are working together with an adult to build something with the sand. I think the adult is trying to teach them to build something but they are incapable of building it, as can be seen from their results. In the background, there are also other people playing with sands. In the top right corner, a girl can be seen burying a guy under sand until only his head can be shown. Many people do this to enjoy the warmth in the sand. It seems like a nice day on the beach.

Conv 3
1.I once entered a table tennis competition. The competition is intense as there are competitors from all over the country and some really possesses supreme talent. I approached the competition seriously as I wanted to bring glory to my school. Competiting is very fun but at the same time stressful as there are people who expects quite alot from you.
2.I think children should be exposed to more outdoor activities as that can make them healthier and interests can be more effectively grown inside kids than into teenagers. I think many children enjoy video games as they get to do things that they cant do in reality like zapping aliens or jumping over killer mushrooms. They get to expand their imagination and do things that only happen in their fantasies. These games however can exert radiation onto them which can be harmful to their body and eyesight. Also, being addicted to these games and heavily influence their homework and thinking in a negative way.

Day 1

Picture discussion 1
This picture depicts a scene of a room in the hospital. Judging by the way arrangements and facilities in this room, I believe that this room is meant to be a recreational multi-purpose room. In the picture, two nurses can be seen playing a balloon ball with some patients in the hospital. I think this is very good as the patients get entertainment even when they are in a hospital and at the same time they can get some exercise. The things in the room is stable and clean, so I think that this hospital is not run-down and is pretty clean and good for the patients. Through the windows, plants can be seen. This is good as fresh air can be breathed in by the patients and let them have a healthier body. The patients in the picture, however, do not seem to be having much fun. I think they are not interested in the game but is forced to play. I think patients should have the right to choose if they want to play games.

Conv 1
1.I have a grandmother who is six-six this year. She is a very nice person who greets life happily with a positive attitude unlike many elderly people. She means alot to the family and she has given alot to it too. I have learned a great deal from her, mostly on the way to treat people. She cares about how other people feel and has a great sense of responsibility. If I could do something special for her, I would get the whole family to give her a surprise on her birthday. That's the least she deserves.
2.I think elderly people should have the rights to be taken care of by their children. They should also be treated well by their family and live in a good environment where they can remain healthy. If I could design a special home, I would design one with many plants and facilities for them to exercise. I feel that healthcare and nursing homes for elderly should be made cheaper, but not free of charge as it will dampen the economy.